Tuesday, October 25, 2016

It's been a Year!

Happy (Belated) Anniversary!

So a little over a year ago, I started writing in this blog.  It began as a flood of content and quickly became a slow drip, but it's here and I'm glad I started this.

Lately, my two jobs have left me unmotivated to write much, as it has turned into a chore.  I have stared at my screen wanting to review movies and felt very uninspired.  I've tried to work on my novel and just felt unable to think of anything I'd want to read.  I know that drafts aren't meant to be readable but I can't even get myself to write out a scene that I literally blocked out in bullet points.  

That said, I haven't been completely unproductive, you guys just haven't been able to see any of it.  I'm trying to get myself set up to record myself playing video games (the one activity I am motivated to do these days) so I can review them or show off fun things and so on.  I have this idea to play XCOM 2 with all my soldiers being made in the likeness of friends, or by recreating notable SPARTANs from the Halo universe as XCOM soldiers, because fighting a superior force of aliens is what they do (and because mods make anything possible).  The problem with this is that my desktop does not have the power supply to run the game and render the video at the same time, and so the PC just crashes less than a minute into the recording.  So for the moment this project is on the shelf until I can shell out the dough for the parts I need.  I'm also going to get another hard drive to store the videos on and at the same time get some parts to repair my laptop (it needs a new hard drive as well).  Once that is settled, I'll be recording and posting here and on Youtube.

So ta-ta for now.  NaNoWriMo is coming up and I do want to get some writing done.  It got me going last year so hopefully I can write more this time around.  I may not be writing a brand new book in a month, but it's a great time to find motivation to write.  See ya next time.


  1. Yo, I just discovered this blog and I wanted to say good luck! The premise behind having a non-human main character has always been interesting to me and I can definitely sympathize with how difficult it is to write. Keep on keeping on!

    1. Thank you! It means a lot to hear from readers. Your comment made my day, and has helped me overcome some of my motivational hurdles. Hope you keep reading!


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