Friday, December 11, 2015

A Long Time Ago. . .

In a galaxy far, far away...

7 Days from the exact moment this hits the blogosphere, I will see "Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens," and I'm not sure if I should be excited or terrified.  With so much at stake with the original cast members being involved and George Lucas selling Star Wars to Disney, not to mention the last attempt at Star Wars movies being very divisive (and even destructive) among the fanbase, the possibility for disappointment is immense.  And yet, I will go and see it with baited breath and possibly a Lightsaber.

That being said, I have been playing "Star Wars: The Old Republic" frantically to feed my Star Wars fix before the movie comes out, and before I drive my fiancee crazy humming the Star Wars themes.  The game has been out for a while, but in October, Bioware, the makers of SWTOR, released what is literally the best expansion for the game since launch, and quite literally it is better than the original story (which was pretty damn good.)  Called KoFE by fans, Knights of the Fallen Empire turns the MMO into a Single Player Campaign, focusing a story around your character and how he affects the events of the plot completely independant of other players, allowing you to simultaneously play with your friends, while making all the important choices yourself (while your friends are making their own choices in their own continuity).  I have not played the expansions new content myself yet, but several of the game play mechanics have changed with the release.  I like all of them.  SWTOR has been a game that I put on the shelf, waiting for something good to come of it for a while, and I'm glad to be back into it.  The original content remains for players new and old to enjoy, while promising a reportedly amazing experience once you reach the newest content.  And what makes it even better is that Bioware is continuing to add to the expansions story, so there is even more to look forward to.  Bioware, who makes games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, has always made story telling the best aspect of their games, and they (finally) delivered an expansion that lives up to their past successes.

So, if you want to find me on SWTOR, leave a comment with a character name and I'll instead come find you!  That is, if you're on the Jedi Covenant server.  Otherwise, well...  Too bad.  

May the Force be with you.

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