Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Change of Plans

The Struggle is real...

Seems my initial plan that I could get something meaningful written every day before 3pm was a gross overstatement.  That first week was easy.  But it has gotten exponentially harder to select a topic every day that would not sound like I'm rambling just to have something written.  That said, I still hope to post each day but the posts will likely be much later in the day.

As for NaNoWriMo, I have a total of 759 words typed as of this post.  At this rate I will definitely not get close to 50,000 words for the month, but we'll see what happens.  My main difficulty so far has been deciding which way to write things.  I am currently working on a segment where my main character is entering a new place, and he encounters the residents, who initially are hostile to the newcomer.  So I've been struggling deciding how they react and what those reactions would lead to.  The next part that becomes a struggle is when I get to that new area and have to describe it.  While I always have an idea of the generalities of a locations features and landmarks, translating it into words so a reader can appreciate the vision in my mind.  I stumble a great deal, often because I worry about missing details, or because I feel my initial description is suddenly inadequate.

If you would like to help, leave a comment mentioning a feature of a forest/mountain lake that would be interesting.  I happen to be a writer that loves input, because I can refine it into something that works for my novel, regardless of what it is.

That's all for today.  Since today is Election Day in the United Stated (and since I promised, "No politics") I could not think of anything substantive to discuss today.  I am also not ready to delve too deeply into novel specifics yet.  Thanks for reading!  Feel free to suggest topics for me to discuss, books I should read, games I should play, or even YouTube channels to watch.  Best wishes!


  1. An interesting feature of any place is where unsupervised children play, especially if there isn't a place designated for it.

  2. When I imagine a forest or mountain lake, I see the sunrise mirrored on the glistening water; i see the shimmering dew on the leaves; I see Lime green moss on the massive tree trunks and the rocks surrounding the lake; I see ripples in the water caused by the wildlife living in the lake; I hear the occasional bee, moth, bird, deer...etc; I hear the water splashing against the rocks; I smell the wet grasses, moss, leaves, I smell the crisp morning air. If at night I see the reflection of the blood moon rippling on the lake while a fine mist rises from the water's surface. I hope this helps.

    1. Well said! I think I know who I get my writing skills from.


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