Monday, January 25, 2016

Struggling to Write

I need to write!

Particularly when I don't want to!

This month has been FAR less productive than I had hoped it would be.  After a fast start where I wrote about 5 pages in 2 days, I petered out just as fast and have been just forcing myself to STOP writing chapter 7.  It's done.  It has been done.  Someone convince my muse that it's done!

So Chapter 8 is empty still.  STILL.  Unacceptable.  And yet, I doomed myself.  I bought myself Fallout 4 after Christmas and I have been unable to think about anything that isn't radioactive, apocalyptic, or devastated.  Fallout 4 is fun!  But that's not what I should be doing!

The moments when I have to force myself to write are the hardest.  It's like depression, I think.  You want to put fingers to keys and type things, and you KNOW what you want to type.  But it just -nope- doesn't happen.  You can be thinking of like a great bit of writing while in the shower or while walking through a snowstorm but you sit in front of a keyboard and -nope- nothing.  You immediately think of 'better' things to do, or a way to make your settlement in Fallout 4 that much better.

Sometimes I wonder if writing can be compared to a pressure system.  Ideas and the urge to write build up over time when you don't write, until at some point the urge to write overpowers the other distractions in life and you finally write because you need to relieve the pressure!  Well the end of December and the first week of January let me vent that pressure and now...  At least I have, officially, this time, finally, decided that Chapter 7 is 'good enough for me to stop writing it and move on.' I just hope Chapter 8 decides to let me write it down before I find some other game to disappear into. . .

I'm looking at you Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak.

1 comment:

  1. Writing is a process man, and everyone has their own. If you aren't feeling it you can't really force it. I find its a good idea to jot down notes when I have good ideas during snowstorms and take a look at them later when I'm ready to write. Most times I have no idea what the hell I was thinking but it usually helps get the juices flowing in the right direction and then the idea I didn't expect hits me like a sack of batteries and I'm off like a bullet train through hell! Oh that's a good idea... Keep at it brother!


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